Friday, April 18, 2008

Scary Dangerous Legislation

My question to these legislators is - "Where are the Native Americans supposed to go?" Um, I believe that they were here first. Granted, Natives have been determined (by the Supreme Court in Morton v. Mancari) to be a political group not a racial group, but I'm sure that the Native American Law Students Association would be banned along with the Black Law Students Association and the Hispanic Law Students Association and the Asian American Student Association. This is scary stuff! Where in the world do these idiots get their notions of American values?
Faye Hadley

April 18, 2008

Arizona Proposal Would Prohibit Race-Based Student Groups

An Arizona legislative committee has passed an amendment to a routine homeland-security bill that would prohibit students at the state's public universities and community colleges from organizing groups based on race.

The amendment was approved by the Arizona House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday. It still awaits a vote by the state's full House and Senate.

The amendment, introduced by State Rep. Russell K. Pearce, a Republican, would also allow state officials to withhold funds from public schools sponsoring activities that "denigrate American values and the teachings of Western civilization."

The proposal was added to Senate Bill 1108, a measure that has nothing to do with education but was intended to allow designees of mayors and police chiefs to serveon homeland-security advisory councils.

"This bill basically says, 'You're here. Adopt American values,'"State Rep. John Kavanagh, a Republican, told The Arizona Republic."'If you want a different culture, then fine, go back to that culture,'" he said.

—JJ Hermes

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